Here you will find a collection of the Tech Talks and classes that I teach and/or present at conferences. I have presented every year (for many, many years) at the Oklahoma Technology Association conference and at Encyclomedia. For the last few years, they have been combined into one fabulous conference in OKC. I have presented numerous times at the OAGCT (Oklahoma Association for Gifted, Creative, and Talented) conference in Edmond, Oklahoma. I have also been a presenter at AASL (American Association of School Librarians).
In addition to attending conferences as a presenter, I have also had the opportunity to go to ISTE and FETC purely as a learner to soak up as much new tech information as I can. I love learning new stuff!
One of the best parts of my job is getting to teach classes to the amazing teachers in our district. Our department teaches all year, but it seems like summer is Tech Class crazy! We (the Instructional Tech crew) have always taught about 6-8 classes a week EACH! There have been classes on every tech topic you can think of! And usually a few you never knew about... Some of the Tech Talks listed here are from my growing list of classes.
This year we are starting a new concept in Tech PD: PD in Your PJs. We are working to create an on demand library of technology training. This way whenever, however you learn best - we have you covered. I will be adding all of the PD I personally create here on this site as well. I hope you find some tips and tricks you can use!
Please check out the drop-down menu for all of the Tech Talks I have been a part of! I hope you find at least a little something of use to you!
Please leave a comment HERE to let me know what you thought!
Any ideas for future Tech Talks would be great too!
In addition to attending conferences as a presenter, I have also had the opportunity to go to ISTE and FETC purely as a learner to soak up as much new tech information as I can. I love learning new stuff!
One of the best parts of my job is getting to teach classes to the amazing teachers in our district. Our department teaches all year, but it seems like summer is Tech Class crazy! We (the Instructional Tech crew) have always taught about 6-8 classes a week EACH! There have been classes on every tech topic you can think of! And usually a few you never knew about... Some of the Tech Talks listed here are from my growing list of classes.
This year we are starting a new concept in Tech PD: PD in Your PJs. We are working to create an on demand library of technology training. This way whenever, however you learn best - we have you covered. I will be adding all of the PD I personally create here on this site as well. I hope you find some tips and tricks you can use!
Please check out the drop-down menu for all of the Tech Talks I have been a part of! I hope you find at least a little something of use to you!
Please leave a comment HERE to let me know what you thought!
Any ideas for future Tech Talks would be great too!